We look forward to having your child play in the SYFL but first we need some information.
Team Placement
All children are guaranteed a place to play.
There is no guarantee as to what team your child will be placed on.
If you have made a request during the online registration process, there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate that request.
"Spirit is a vital force with real meaning. Sportsmanship is a practice of fairmindedness. "
Player's Birthdate
Any medical conditions we need to be aware of?
I grant permission for my child’s photograph and/or video to be used in publications, newspaper, online, and other communications used by the SYFL.
We agree to return upon request the uniform and other equipment issued to our child in as good a condition as when received, except for normal wear and tear. We understand failure to return this equipment will result in legal action taken against us. We understand we must also furnish a copy of our child’s birth certificate in order for them to receive their equipment and participate.
Agree to parent and player Code of Conduct. Click link to read Player COC & Parent COC.
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